The SquatX® Exercise App™
The SQUATX Exercise APP from SMITHSHAPER® is available for iOS and Android based smartphones. The SQUATX® App includes a flexible and customizable exercise timer, the ability to quickly target desired muscles to create your daily workout (or run a workout you previously saved in the app), and over 85 animated SMITHSHAPER exercises. Selected exercises will play for the duration of the reps you've planned for that particular exercise before advancing to the next exercise video within your Workout of the Day (WoD).
The state-of-the-art SQUATX Exercise App is designed to accommodate all SmithShaper exercises, and is compatible with all SMITHSHAPER multipurpose exercisers. The app features a powerful and personalized exercise timer to enhance your daily workout routine.
SmithShaper® represents some of the most effective portable body-shaping home exercise equipment available. This includes the patented SmithShaper® ASR™ (Ab and Squat Roller/Rider) and SQUATX® full-body strength and cardio rolling fitness trainers, our TR-BAR™ line of movement and balance body shaping exercisers, and our 3R, S1, S2 and S3 muscle shaping resistance band bars and accessory sets. You will find that SmithShaper fitness equipment is highly durable because it's made to go wherever you go. With the SQUATX® Exercise App on your phone and one or two of our unique exercisers in your backpack, you're always free to workout when and where you want to.
Both the SmithShaper ASR and SQUATX multipurpose exercisers support a variety of exercises including three types of rolling wall squats, ab rollouts, rolling planks, core crushes, lunges, ice-skaters and more. The ASR is a bodyweight resistance rolling exerciser that supports 25 exercises and the SQUATX is a combination bodyweight and band resistance rolling exerciser that supports 56 exercises.
Meanwhile, SmithShaper resistance band bars support from 16 to 32 exercises depending upon the type of resistance bar and the accessory package it comes with. We also provide the SmithShaper Squat Mat™ and the SmithShaper Super Pad™ exercise knee mats. The Squat Mat and the Super Pad are both long-lasting and comfortable workout knee mats. SmithShaper fitness solutions are in use across the globe due to their ease of use, exercise variety, effectiveness and durability.
The SQUATX® takes our PRO and FIT model ASR rolling exercisers to a new level as it increases workout productivity and caloric burn by integrating resistance bands, band connectors and handles, so that separate exercises can be done simultaneously. For example, wall squats with resistance band chest presses, rolling reverse lunges with resistance band biceps curls, single arm chest work with rolling ice skaters, to name a just a few.
Combine one of our new 33-inch resistance band bars with the SQUATX® Max™ and you have an exercise system supporting between 72 and 85 exercises depending upon the selected resistance band bar. You will find that SmithShaper multipurpose workout equipment easily integrates into your personal workout routine. This includes Tabata, Cross-fit, Pilates, HIIT fitness routines, and more.
Remember to consult your doctor before starting a new exercise program. Also, it's important to combine a healthy diet with your regular SmithShaper / SQUATX App Exercise workouts to help ensure long term improvements to your overall health and conditioning.
** The SQUATX® Exercise App is available on both the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. It's complimentary for one year with the purchase of a SMITHSHAPER® or SQUATX® exercise device. Official SMITHSHAPER® products can be purchased on this website,, or through our SMITHSHAPER stores on,,, and occasionally on Additionally, we collaborate with Zobo Sports USA for our SmithShaper Fit store on
** The SQUATX® Exercise App is available on both the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. It's complimentary for one year with the purchase of a SMITHSHAPER® or SQUATX® exercise device. Official SMITHSHAPER® products can be purchased on this website,, or through our SMITHSHAPER stores on,,, and occasionally on Additionally, we collaborate with Zobo Sports USA for our SmithShaper Fit store on Please reach out to us at if you find any unauthorized sellers of what appear to be SmithShaper products.
SmithShaper portable resistance band bars include accessory packages containing high-stretch resistance loop bands, a long durable door anchor, and more. These sets are integrated within many of our products but can also be purchased on their own.
If you need a space saving body shaping tool there is no need to look further than the SmithShaper line of exercisers. Besides the SQUATX and PRO & FIT ASR, we offer a line of resistance band bars solutions. Leading the pack are the SmithShaper® TR-BAR™ and TR-BAR PLUS™ multipurpose exercisers for our movement, balance and strength, and our new line of 33-inch band bars that include a resistance band package and can be reduced to a 16-inch length for portability. This includes our 3R Band Bar™ that is integrated with a muscle relief roller as well as our S2 and S3 band bars. Each enable 30 different body shaping exercises and include padded end grips and connected heavy duty carabiners at each end.
The difference between our S2 and S3 resistance bars is that the S3 bar is a multi-grip bar that includes a lengthy padded center grip in addition to the standard end grip padding. The SmithShaper® S1 Bar Mini is alternative compact 16-inch resistance band bar that is capable of 21 different body shaping exercises.
You might notice that some of our products include the suffix of "MAX" in the product name. This is to let you know the fitness solution has been maximized with our best "LOOP MAX" Resistance band package. For the most part, this equates to a device boost that unlocks extra exercise capability. Take for example, our top-of-the-line multipurpose exerciser, the SmithShaper® SQUATX MAX 85-Exercise System™. It combines our top two exercisers (the SQUATX and the TR-BAR PLUS) into one robust solution that comes with our top accessory package (LOOP MAX 7) and our best nitrile rubber anti-fatigue workout knee pad.
SmithShaper portable resistance band bars include accessory packages containing high-stretch resistance loop bands, a long durable door anchor, and more. These sets are integrated within many of our products but can also be purchased on their own.
If you need a space saving body shaping tool there is no need to look further than the SmithShaper line of exercisers. Besides the SQUATX and PRO & FIT ASR, we offer a line of resistance band bars solutions. Leading the pack are the SmithShaper® TR-BAR™ and TR-BAR PLUS™ multipurpose exercisers for our movement, balance and strength, and our new line of 33-inch band bars that include a resistance band package and can be reduced to a 16-inch length for portability. This includes our 3R Band Bar™ that is integrated with a muscle relief roller as well as our S2 and S3 band bars. Each enable 30 different body shaping exercises and include padded end grips and connected heavy duty carabiners at each end.
The difference between our S2 and S3 resistance bars is that the S3 bar is a multi-grip bar that includes a lengthy padded center grip in addition to the standard end grip padding. The SmithShaper® S1 Bar Mini is alternative compact 16-inch resistance band bar that is capable of 21 different body shaping exercises.
You might notice that some of our products include the suffix of "MAX" in the product name. This is to let you know the fitness solution has been maximized with our best "LOOP MAX" Resistance band package. For the most part, this equates to a device boost that unlocks extra exercise capability. Take for example, our top-of-the-line multipurpose exerciser, the SmithShaper® SQUATX MAX 85-Exercise System™. It combines our top two exercisers (the SQUATX and the TR-BAR PLUS) into one robust solution that comes with our top accessory package (LOOP MAX 7) and our best nitrile rubber anti-fatigue workout knee pad.
TR-BAR Plus - Single Leg Military Band Press Exercise
SmithShaper portable resistance band bars include accessory packages containing high-stretch resistance loop bands, a long durable door anchor, and more. These sets are integrated within many of our products but can also be purchased on their own.
If you need a space saving body shaping tool there is no need to look further than the SmithShaper line of exercisers. Besides the SQUATX and PRO & FIT ASR, we offer a line of resistance band bars solutions. Leading the pack are the SmithShaper® TR-BAR™ and TR-BAR PLUS™ multipurpose exercisers for our movement, balance and strength, and our new line of 33-inch band bars that include a resistance band package and can be reduced to a 16-inch length for portability. This includes our 3R Band Bar™ that is integrated with a muscle relief roller as well as our S2 and S3 band bars. Each enable 30 different body shaping exercises and include padded end grips and connected heavy duty carabiners at each end.
The difference between our S2 and S3 resistance bars is that the S3 bar is a multi-grip bar that includes a lengthy padded center grip in addition to the standard end grip padding. The SmithShaper® S1 Bar Mini is alternative compact 16-inch resistance band bar that is capable of 21 different body shaping exercises.
You might notice that some of our products include the suffix of "MAX" in the product name. This is to let you know the fitness solution has been maximized with our best "LOOP MAX" Resistance band package. For the most part, this equates to a device boost that unlocks extra exercise capability. Take for example, our top-of-the-line multipurpose exerciser, the SmithShaper® SQUATX MAX 85-Exercise System™. It combines our top two exercisers (the SQUATX and the TR-BAR PLUS) into one robust solution that comes with our top accessory package (LOOP MAX 7) and our best nitrile rubber anti-fatigue workout knee pad.
The SQUATX Exercise APP now supports over 85 SmithShaper exercises and is available for iOS and Android smartphones on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. The SQUATX® App is a versatile and personalized exercise timer that allows for quick targeting of specific muscles and exercise selections to create your Workout of the Day (WoD). You can create a new WoD or run a previously created one as often as you'd like. During each exercise cycle, the app's timer screen will play a related exercise video showing the proper movement for the exercise.
The SQUATX App offers the flexibility to customize your Workout of the Day (WoD) according to your preferences. You can adjust the number of exercises (sets), the repetition count for each exercise (cycles), the duration of each cycle, and the rest period between cycles and sets as often as you like. During your workout, the SQUATX App timer screen will display exercise videos for each work cycle, along with the remaining seconds for the work and rest periods, as well as your current Set and Cycle.
The 85+ exercises included in the SQUATX Exercise App include bodyweight resistance rolling exercises using the Smithshaper ASR™, combination bodyweight and band resistance exercises with the SQUATX®, resistance band exercises with the TR-BAR, TR-BAR PLUS, Max 7 Accessory Set, and/or the SmithShaper line of resistance band bars. The SQUATX App can be beneficial and make it easy for you to workout no matter what resistance band equipment you use.
TR-BAR Plus - Single Leg Military Band Press Exercise
TR-BAR - Single Leg Military Band Press Exercise
TR-BAR - Lying Peddles Exercise
14 in. x 11 in. x 1 inch
The SmithShaper® Super Pad™ exercise kneeler is thick, comfortable, protective and long-lasting.
The one-inch thick SMITHSHAPER® Super Pad™ provides comfort and shock absorbing knee and elbow protection during exercise.
SMITHSHAPER® Super Pad™ for knee pushups, ab rollouts, and more.
14 in. x 11 in. x 1 inch
provides excellent forearm comfort when doing planks and other exercises.
The SmithShaper® Super Pad™ - ideal for knee comfort and protection during exercise. It's the pefect workout accessory!
The SmithShaper® Super Pad™ is our most comfortable and shock absorbing exercise pad for knees that will be enjoyed for years. It's dense and thick, yet soft and flexible. It's one-inch thick so it's perfect for cushioning knees when doing ab rolls or knee-pushups. It also works well for elbows and forearms when doing planks or core crushers. It measures 14-inch x 11-inch x 1-inch.
Both the SmithShaper® Super Pad™ and the SmithShaper® Squat Mat™ are resistant to odors and oils.
The SmithShaper® Super Pad™ is our most comfortable and shock absorbing exercise pad for knees that will be enjoyed for years. It's dense and thick, yet soft and flexible. It's one-inch thick so it's perfect for cushioning knees when doing ab rolls or knee-pushups. It also works well for elbows and forearms when doing planks or core crushers. It measures 14-inch x 11-inch x 1-inch.
Both the SmithShaper® Super Pad™ and the SmithShaper® Squat Mat™ are resistant to odors and oils.
The 30.5 inch long SMITHSHAPER® Squat Mat™is for leg muscle targeting and for knee or elbow cushioning during exercise.
The SMITHSHAPER® Squat Mat™ is the most vesatile exercise kneeling mat available.
Why a SMITHSHAPER® Squat Mat™?
The SMITHSHAPER® Squat Mat™ easly rolls up along its long axis to support wide-knee Yoga positions.
30.5 in. x 14 in. x 0.90 in.
30.5 in. x 14 in. x 0.90 in.
The SmithShaper® Squat Mat™ is a 30.75-in. x 13.75 in. x 7mm exercise kneeling pad that does more than cushion your knees and elbows. It's constructed of eco-friendly nitrile rubber and is an ideal workout knee mat for several reasons:
The SmithShaper® Squat Mat™ is a 30.75-in. x 13.75 in. x 7mm exercise kneeling pad that does more than cushion your knees and elbows. It's constructed of eco-friendly nitrile rubber and is an ideal workout knee mat for several reasons:
Very easy to use compliments other workouts with or without weights definitely I must have for body shaping and toning
Best pad I have ever encountered has a durable life but is soft and my clients think I am spoiling them!!!
The quality of this mat is good. Its thick and it does not hurt my knees.
This works great for correct foot placement to hit the different muscle groups in my thighs
Great item, thanks very glad
Very happy with this item
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